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Sleepy Summer Hollow Pool

The Sleepy Hollow Summer Pool season runs from roughly Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day, and weekends through September pending guard availability. 

Located behind the Sleepy Hollow Community Center,  the 25-yard pool is heated and runs from a depth of 3 ½ feet to 8 feet. A 1 foot deep baby pool is also available. Other facilities include remodeled locker rooms,  indoor and outdoor showers, a  grassy area for sunbathing and play, chairs and chaise lounges under a shaded pergola, a snack bar and new play areas for children.

Seasonal pool memberships are available to Sleepy Hollow residents who are members of SHHA at any time, and to our friends and neighbors that live outside of Sleepy Hollow (Friends of Sleepy Hollow),* beginning January 1st, via our Membership Page.

Prior year members will receive email notification of the opportunity to renew.

*We welcome Friends of Sleepy Hollow. In addition to family pool membership, Friends members enjoy many of the same benefits and discounts as SHHA members, including fitness classes and activities for kids and adults at the newly renovated Sleepy Hollow Community Center.

  • 2024 Friends members renewing for 2025 will have priority through April. Please act early so that we may welcome others more quickly. We will try to accommodate everyone.
  • Each membership is for  immediate family living at the same address.
  • Please complete your application and payment by April 30. As we receive payment and application, we will confirm membership.
  • No payments or forms can be accepted at the pool. There is no place at the Sleepy Hollow Community Center to drop off payments or forms.
  • If we are not able to enroll everyone, we will refund payments and notify families of placement on a waiting list for possible cancellations.


All operational and employment questions related to the pool should be addressed to (note: This email address is monitored during membership swim days and times only)

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