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Healthy Eating and Weight Management for Life Drop In Class

  • 3 Nov 2022
  • 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM


Registration is closed

Instructor: Catherine Martikan, M.S., M.A

Learn what healthy eating really means and use what you learn to manage your weight for the rest of your life. Whether you are interested in changing your diet, losing/managing your weight, or both, this class is for you! Learn how tools such as self-monitoring, accountability and goal setting can help you live a much healthier and happier life. In addition to healthy eating, we will tackle such topics as: eating triggers, dining out, healthy shopping, recruiting support, fad diets, body image, and much more. Catherine Martikan works as a nutrition consultant and fitness instructor and has Master’s degrees in both nutrition and psychology. Through her knowledge of nutrition and behavior modification she has devised a 6-week session designed to help you achieve your nutrition and weight management goals. A drop- in option is available. Also, a 30-minute personalized consulting session can be added to the 6-week session at an additional cost.


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Catherine is also available for private consultations. Please contact her at

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